Hello friends, fans, and family,
Another week has past and the weekend is here once again. I am happy tp say that the JB&I Show is still going. We have had our fair share of issues but some how we manage to keep going. I thank God for that. I can't say that we are going to be here forever but I can say that we gave all that we could so if it do end soon we can rest assured that we gave it our all. Or at lease that is what I can say for myself but I am sure that Pam and Ray can say the same thing as well. The JB&I Show went LIVE last Friday! Yay! I noticed that we got people commenting our face book page and it is all good. I am happy to see that. We may not stay totally LIVE do to my sound card not work properly. I can still bring you the JB&I Show it just may not be LIVE do to my failing sound card. I am going to replace it as soon as I can. I am still going to bring you the JB&I Show on Fridays but it is not going to be live. I will still do some live shows but now that Pam and Ray are moving on it is going to be harder for me to do it. But don't worry I will bring you the best that I can and do that best show that I can as well. We will still talk about TV Shows, Movies, Acting, Games, and so on. I may even add music into it. Especially if we get a venue! I will get live performers each week and hot PC games and tournaments and that is just a few ideas. I may even team up with other shows and companies to make this happen. I think that it is going to be awesome if I am able to pull it off. If for whatever reason I decide to shut down the JB&I Show I will finish the month that I am in all the while letting you all know that whatever month is my last month. Please, keep in mind that this is NOT what I want to do. I am just letting you know what may happen and what I would like to happen in terms of doing more and recording it for you all to enjoy. The JB&I Show has lasted way longer than even I expected it to last. So, I am interested to see if the JB&I Show can grow and become more than just "MY show" I would like for the JB&I Show to be as big as the tonight show. In aways developing into a self sustaining company. I know that this sounds like a dream and people have told me that this will not happen but I am saying that it can happen. The JB&I Show has grown since last year alone. I am taking steps to make the JB&I Show a stronger show. I am willing to even sell the show if that would help the show to grow even more. But I diegress, I am happy to see the JB&I Show come this far so no matter what happens, I am happy to have been an important part of the JB&I Show. The JB&I Show is a San Diego based talk show were we talk about TV Shows, Movies, PC Games, Books and so on. Thank you for your support and I am looking to add more shows before the end of the year. Prospectively I am going to be taking a hiatus the first three Weeks of November. I will be returning at the end of Nov and part of December before taking another hiatus until January 2017. So the prospective days are November 1 - 18, 2016 and December 01, 2016 - January 15, 2017. If the JB&I Show returns it will return that following Friday. If you have any comments, concerns, and/or complements please post it and let us know. Thank you so much for everything. I am the Fire Hawk! |
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November 2024