In сhаrасtеr mоviеѕ, саrtооn оr TV ѕеriеѕ, thеrе аrе mаnу ѕkillѕ or abilities mаnу реорlе саn оbtаin, lеt’ѕ ѕау through accident оr аliеn аbduсtiоn and these аliеnѕ рut ѕоmе unknown сhеmiсаl/еlеmеnt in уоur bоdу саuѕing it's соmроѕitiоn to сhаngе аnd giving you extraordinary аbilitiеѕ. And some just have the роwеrѕ ѕinсе the dау they were born. Nоt аll superheroes possess super powers. Thеrе аrе ѕоmе ѕuреrhеrо thаt relies on thеir gаdgеtѕ, physical strength аnd ѕресiаl ѕkill. Thе superhero I am pointing to iѕ ѕtruсk bу lightning, hе may nоt bе physically strong but hе'ѕ mоvеmеnt ѕрееd is unbеliеvаblу fast. He is widеlу known аѕ "The Flash".
With the holiday season upon us we are buying our gifts and such for this most joyous occasion of spending time with our family and friends. It seem like whenever we are able we want to express our love and gratitude to those who deserve it. And this is how it should be. So, in an effort to make things easier for you because we know that your time is valuable, shopping online can save a lot of time. This kids clothing and children's clothing store delivers all over the world. The website is - Check them out and save yourself some time so that you can spend more time with the ones you love. Thе Flash is an Amеriсаn TV ѕеriеѕ, a mоdеrn rеimаgining оf thе DC Cоmiсѕ Sеriеѕ: Thе Flаѕh. Hе is like аn оrdinаrу реrѕоn, someone you idolize in real lifе, ѕоmеоnе уоu саn run tо in case оf trouble or emergency, ѕоmеоnе whо уоu саn play with but he hаѕ these аbilitiеѕ that any normal human саn't dо - he саn run faster than a ѕрееding bullеt, hе mау nоt bе intеlligеnt but whаt саn intеlligеnсе do whеn in a blink оf an еуе he саn gо frоm оnе роint tо аnоthеr. Thе Flаѕh'ѕ rеаl nаmе Bаrrу Allеn. Bаrrу Allen is a Pоliсе Sсiеntiѕt, living a normal life, dоing thе nоrmаl way hе used tо, until one day, he mеt аn ассidеnt and was ѕtruсk bу lightning and сhеmiсаl. At 11, Barry Allen's lifе changed completely whеn hiѕ mоthеr diеd in a freak accident and his innocent fаthеr was соnviсtеd оf hеr murder. Now a сrimе-ѕсеnе invеѕtigаtоr, hiѕ dedication to learn thе truth аbоut hiѕ mоthеr'ѕ death drivеѕ him tо fоllоw uр оn еvеrу nеw ѕсiеntifiс аdvаnсеmеnt аnd urbаn legend. When hiѕ lаtеѕt obsession, a раrtiсlе accelerator hеrаldеd as a wоrld-сhаnging invеntiоn саuѕеѕ an еxрlоѕiоn, it сrеаtеѕ a frеаk ѕtоrm and Bаrrу iѕ ѕtruсk by lightning. He awakes frоm a соmа ninе mоnthѕ later with thе power оf ѕuреr speed. Whеn hе lеаrnѕ thаt оthеrѕ who hаvе gаinеd роwеrѕ uѕе thеm fоr evil, hе dеdiсаtеѕ himѕеlf to protecting thе innосеnt, whilе ѕtill trуing to ѕоlvе the older mуѕtеrу. The Flash iѕ viewed in еасh series tо bе аn immаturе tуре оf guу. He is еаѕу-gо-luсkу and thinkѕ thаt hе iѕ a lаdiеѕ' man. Hе might bе a littlе too immаturе but he rеаllу looks likе a соmеdiаn. Onе gооd thing about Thе Flash iѕ thаt hе аlwауѕ ѕmilе (yeah, a gооd реrѕоn аlwауѕ lеt people ѕее his vеrу bright tееth). Originally, thе twеntiеth episode оf Arrоw'ѕ ѕесоnd ѕеаѕоn wаѕ gоing tо асt аѕ a backdoor рilоt, аnd wеrе it рорulаr enough thе series would bе green lit. However, аftеr executives frоm Thе CW Nеtwоrk ѕаw "Thе Scientist" аnd "Thrее Ghоѕtѕ", Bаrrу'ѕ рrеmiеrе ерiѕоdеѕ оn Arrоw, thеу mаdе thе саll to order the ѕеriеѕ ѕtrаight tо pilot. On Mау 8, 2014, The Flаѕh wаѕ picked up tо ѕеriеѕ. On Oсtоbеr 21, 2014, The Flash wаѕ grееn lighted fоr a full ѕеаѕоn bу the CW, еxtеnding from 13 ерiѕоdеѕ tо 23. The Flаѕh was rеnеwеd fоr a ѕесоnd ѕеаѕоn on Jаnuаrу 11, 2015. On Mаrсh 11, 2016, Thе CW rеnеwеd The Flаѕh fоr a third season. Grant Guѕtin роrtrауѕ Bаrrу Allen/The Flаѕh in thе eponymous lеаd role. The ѕеriеѕ iѕ writtеn bу Grеg Berlanti, Andrеw Kreisberg аnd Gеоff Johns. I took a week off for finals. I am so happy that it's over. Getting back into things now. Thank you so much for your support. Happy Holidays!!!!! Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!
For everyone who is celebrating there birthday this month, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! My birthday is this month also. Where does the time go, hahaha. There is so much happening this month 2016. Birthdays are like the time of year where we either are extremely happy about it's coming or it is something that we dread for one reason or another. But I can honestly say that for me birthdays are a blessing even though I am getting older and can't claim the young years of my youth any more but it is because I am wiser and I tend to think clear on certain subjects and I have more knowledge than when I was younger. Would I go back to being young again, yes, probably so but I can't. My advise to you my friends, fans, and family, enjoy your life, that don't mean to not work hard, yes, work hard and that don't mean that we don't work smart, of course work smart, it does also mean that we will have time to enjoy life at some point. It maybe through time management and/or a hiatus and/or a vacation but we need to take out some time to relax and regroup. By doing this we avoid burnouts and ulcers.
So, reducing the amount of stress that you have in your life can be a big plus. One way to do this is, if you are in the market for a new car, checkout this website: They use the vin number from the car to get an accurate history for you. You know all of the good and the bad with the car before you purchase. This allows you to make a better and informed decision. Reducing any amount of stress in your life is a good thing, so check out Wow, the elections are upon us and they are so many different and important decisions to make. I am not going to get into anything political. All I am going to say is get out and vote. Voting is your right and if you choose not to vote then you can not complain about the results. So, do something, and that something is to vote. By voting you are expressing your self, people always talk about freedom of expression so why waste this opportunity to express yourself?! Rock that vote and carry on. The I. Middleton Entertainment Internet Radio Station is no more. I failed to meet the minimum amount of listening hours requirement per month. Each month Radionomy the platform that I was using sends out reports and I must have so many listening hours per month. It starts out low and goes up from there and honestly I thought that I would have been able to get enough listeners and/or enough listing hours. But this is not the case to spite my efforts and promotions and ads I failed to get the minimum amount of listeners and/or listening hours that I needed to keep my internet radio station. They are other platforms out there and I may try again at a later date but I just don't have it in me to try right now. However, it is all good because maybe I was not suppose to do radio. It was a lot of work for me and with my other responsibilities it could have been way too much for me. Besides, I did not have enough listeners and/or listening hours so that in itself says a lot. To end on a good note I am celebrating my birthday and I am Happy that I am still alive and I am able to see another day and enjoy it. I have friends and family and fans who care about me. It's great! Thank you so much for your support and they are always going to be set backs in life. As long as I can I am going to move forward and do as God say and let you know how much I appreciate your support. You are awesome and I am happy that you are here and reading and taking the time out of your busy day to show some love to me. Thank you so much! Have a wonderful and blessed day.
Hello friends, fans, and family,
the weekend is already gone?! I am sorry y'all it has been a really busy week for me and I have so much to do with school. Before I knew it the weekend is gone. Well, that is okay. I am happy to see another day. Thank you all for your support. I am working on my new gospel/christian single. I am planning on doing a lot this on coming year. I would like to know what you all think about that. I am thinking about opening a Patreon page. Doing an album cost a lot of money and with out proper equipment and training it is all for not and someone else would be needed to make it happen. I am known as Isaac M in the music industry. I started out doing R&B/pop/Rap but once I gave my life to God I felt the need to do gospel/christian music. This took some time because I was and still am performing my original songs which are R&B, pop, and rap. So, I let my fans know that I was going to to the transition and I did over time. I came out with two more albums but I did not like the album so I did not release it. I did release some songs but I would have like to have done more with them. But the songs are good and my fans loved them. I took a long break due to over working myself. As an indie artist everything is done by the artist, in a group the load can be split but as a solo artist the load is all on that artist unless that person can recruit some help. I have always sucked at recruiting so it was left to me to do everything and I did because I had no choice. I tried my best to recruit some help. Okay, fast forwarding many times over it is easier to do a lot more with a lot less. I always had to work very hard on things partly because I was a perfectionist and part because I would see something that I would want to change and/or improve. I worked on a lot of different projects and I look forward to seeing them flourish and I am still waiting on that but I did not stop working on it and doing other things. Some would say that I stretch myself too thin. But I saw it a an opportunity and at first it seemed like people would be interested in my work and efforts so I gave it a go. Needless to say that all ended in failure and much money spent not to mention the discouragement. Now, we are at present day and even though I am not going to be paying my rent with my earning I am finally earning something off of my music. I have people who really like my songs. Now I am thinking maybe I can do another album?! Maybe it is my time?! Maybe I can finally do this?! So, that bring me to my title, To Patreon Or Not To Patreon?! That Is The Question. I have done indie gogo before and Kick Starter but all of my efforts ended in failure needless to say. So, I am more than just a little slow in learning and starting a Patreon Page. I am not sure if I did not have enough loyal fans who were willing to pay and/or if I was asking too much of them, but I did not get one donation, not one. So, yeah, in a lot of pain at that time to see my efforts which was everything that I had and could do go to nothing?! I also was not sure if people felt like I was a shame, scam and/or anything like that which really hurt not just because of my efforts and music already created and me trying to network and show and proove but because after so many failures and believe me they are many failures. So, to even consider doing another song much less an album was, crazy and it was a lot for me. I am definitely not young anymore and I am not a genus and/or even that smart. Not to mention I am not sure how much I have left in the tank. So, the question arises, should I even be trying?! I always here all of the bad and negative stuff about everything that I would never be so I got that. Now, I am trying to do a christian album and yeah I hesitate to call it a gospel album because of the laugh and disappointment that I get from people but yeah, it is that also. Do anyone know what Patreon do? In a nut shell they are like kick starter but on a monthly basis. If I was to open a Patreon page would anyone be interested in supporting my album creation? This is the question that I ask myself and my fans. I would be asking for monetary support and not just kind words. Can my fans handle this request from me? There would be gifts, awards, and progress reports in return. So, yeah, I am clear on where I am in life and at this moment. I am still believing in God and I am still pressing forward it just maybe in a different direction. I don't know yet. I am currently praying about it and even constantly praying about it. Keep me in prayer y'all this blog has been from the heart and the wholeness of my music career or lack there of. Have an awesome day and week. Thank you for your support! If you would like to comment and/or say what you think about anything that I have said, please do. Speak your mind. I know that I am doing a lot but when "you" (in this case me or I ) have failed so much and so consistently there is only a few things that I could do and that is either give up or try again so I tried again and I am trying again. I think that I am trying again because of many reasons and one of those reasons is maybe I did see something and/or heard something. Maybe what I may have seen and heard gave me hope, is that hope false?! Well, I don't know and if I don't try again then I will never know. So, here we are my attempt, again, haha. I am still not sure about the Patreon page thing, I did try it with the JB&I Show and no not one, not one donation. So, that is not encouraging, haha. But the hope that I got made me think that maybe I missed something and that missing information could and possibly would change everything. Thank you again. MyTwitch Channel My Reverbnation page My Number One Music page My CD Baby Page My Face Book Page My Twitter Page Okay, ah, I am 8010az on, and I am Da Fire Hawk on the JB&I Show, and I am the Fire Hawk on face book and I am DJ Fire Hawk on the I.ME iRadio Station and of course I am Isaac M in my music, but my real name is Isaac Middleton. Thank you for reading and thank you for your support in whatever way that you can support. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Very Respectfully, Isaac M. |
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November 2024