Hello friends, fans, and family,
first I want to say be safe and wash your hands consistently. I love y'all and I want to hear from you all. My channel is growing and I am putting a lot of efforts into it. I know that a lot of you came from the music emerging with this channel and I am totally happy about it. My personal goal is to do one video a week and at least one video a month. I did a poll a few weeks ago and in it I asked what videos did you want me to do? I got some responses and you all said that you wanted more fitness videos and more music as well as more content over all. What came in last place was tv show and movie reviews. I was totally surprised to see that this is not what you all wanted so that is why I did not do any movie and tv show reviews videos. What's next? Well, I am glad that you ask. I intend to do more music videos and more fitness videos I still may do some movie and tv show reviews if you all want me to. So, just ask me to do a video about a show and/or movie. If there is another type of video that you would like for me to do please ask. I am not going to say that I am going to do it. However, if I get comments, likes and subscribers concerning that thing then it is more in my favor to do the video that you are requesting. It is saying something if you even comment and ask me about a video. That lets me know that you are engaging in my content and you want to see more. Maybe not more of what I am currently presenting but more of something that you would like to see me do. This post purpose is to ask you to ask your questions and post your comments and so on. Because if you do so you are letting me know what you want to see more of and what you like and/or dislike. If I don't get any engagements then I am left guessing and assuming trying to discern something from the amount of views and watch time on a video. It would be much easier for me if I was able to connect with you all and get your comments and your questions about my videos. So, leave your comments, ask your questions, and voice your options.
Hello friends, fans, and family,
Fitness and Summer is a series I started to help people get ready for summertime. We start now and take our time so that we are ready when summer comes and it seems easy and automatic. Not realizing the hard work and effort that we put into it because we started so early for the results that we wanted. I am going with you in this journey because I need it as much as you do. Today's IME Blog is brought to you by: MY FIT WATCH - My Fit Watch is a fitness tracker that tracks everything from your heart beat to your sleep. Yes, that's right your sleep. It is a great device that you can use to help you reach your fitness goals. Get My Fit Watch today and watch you reach your fitness goals (please allow up to 30days extra time for shipping due to everything that is going on). If you follow me on YouTube then you know that we are starting Vol 2 of the series. I release one volume per month so that I am not over whelmed. If don't follow me on YouTube then please, follow me on YouTube, please. Here is the link: Click Here! I created a playlist to aid you in your efforts to reach your fitness goals. You can find the play list HERE. It is a list of various fitness professionals who talk about everything from gaining weight to protein and vitamins. I know that you will enjoy it because I put such a strong effort into this play list for you. All together there are three Fitness and Summer Videos out there for this year. Hold on, I know what you are saying, you're saying but I thought that you said that this was vol2, which means that it is only two videos out there and not three, right?! Well, not exactly. You see there is an intro video that I don't count as apart of the volumes that I put out. So, in that case there are three video out there. In the intro video I am just giving you a basic over view of of my Fitness and Summer series. In the first video I talk about other YouTubers that I think have a lot of great information that you will gain valuable information from. Some of the video are older but the information in them is still valid. Volume three I talk about Mind-set. Your mind set matters and you can use this enlightenment in any aspect of your life from business to school work and not just in fitness. Discipline and sacrifice is also apart of it. You are sacrificing that chocolate cake and ice cream for a better fit you. I know that you can have a free day or cheat day just as long as your cheat day is not every day. Haha, I have this issue so I guess I am talking to myself and about myself to you, haha. Nevertheless, making a meal plan and having a good workout is good for you. I know that there will be times when you may not go all that way according to plan but just know that you can still adjust and keep going. Don't give up and that is the key to not give up. To fail is apart of it, not a pleasant part but it is still apart of it. We learn some of our most valuable lessons in our failures. The key is to learn from it and to keep going. So, often we tend to give up on our fitness goals for one reason or another it could be that you allow your family to talk you out of it. Because, they say that they cannot see you as a fit person does not mean that you should not see our self that way. Before action takes place a person known as a visionary see it. You see yourself losing the weight and that makes the pain of it all worth it. You are going to have days when you don't want to workout. Sometimes, we don't want to go to the gym so we workout at home and other times we go to the gym because we know that if we don't go we won't workout, haha. Well, that is true for me a lot of the times. Believing in yourself is very important. Here is why, if you don't believe in yourself you won't try either at all or at the first sign of trouble your going to give up. As soon as your friends tell you that you can't do it you're going to stop. Physical action takes places after a mental decision is made that either you can or can't do something. This happens so fast sometimes that we don't even realize that we did that. Because that process can move so fluidly we may just flow right into the action part not realizing that we did do that mental part. So, that is why believing in yourself is so important. I am going to close with, you are going to fail, you are going to have some doubts and some fears but all of these elements is needed to successful. Remember bravery is not the absence of fear but the continuation of an action in spite of the fears. Such as going back to school in you 40's and 50's, or starting your own business after everyone is telling you that you will never make it and you doing your due diligence and research. Losing weight after seemingly everyone is telling that you just can't so why are you trying. These are all obstacles that we face. From losing friends to being ejected by family members are all difficult battles that you are going to have to deal with. However, the worst battle that you are going to have to face is the battle within. Oh yes, that fight within yourself is going to be the most fierce of them all. If you can win that battle and I am saying that you can win. Then you will win. It is going to take a continuous effort on your part but it can be done. Have a wonderful and blessed day. You are awesome and never forget that. #8010az #fitnessaddict #fitness #moviereview #ime #blog #blogging #blogger #acting #actorslife #veteran #uso #americanlegion #sagaftra #tvshow #trustgod #prayertime #singer, #fitnessaddicts #fitnessmotivation #imeblog #isaac #isaacm #isaacmiddleton #imiddleton #imiddletonentertainment #myfitwatch #fitnesstracker
Hello friends, fans and family,
I hope that you are having an awesome day. I done a poll on YouTube. I asked them what do they want to see more of? I had a list of options which included movie and TV Show reviews, Gaming stuff, music videos and fitness stuff. Fitness stuff came in first place second by music videos and gaming and in last place was movie and TV show reviews. So, in an effort to give them what they want I am posting more fitness stuff. To be honest I am getting more views and watch time duration as a result of this poll and change. I enjoy doing it all and I was told to focus my YouTube channel and to not have many different topics. I did this to a degree not that I am not going to do any movie reviews what so ever I am just limiting the amount. Basing that off of the poll that I had done. With that being said I am asking you all what do you want me to write about? Do you want more movie reviews and/or TV shows and movie reviews? Do you want more gaming stuff or do you want to read about something else? What frequency do you want? Do you want once a month postings, once a week and/or every day somethings? I am asking these questions in an effort to give you what you want. I obviously don't know what you are thinking unless you ask me. I am open to your suggestions. If I don't get any response and/or limited suggestions I am going to go accordingly to what is said if anything and I will post about the results and what direction we will be going in based on your suggestions. However, if I don't get any suggestions what so ever I guess I will continue as we are or something, haha. I am not sure but as always I am open to suggestions. Now that, that is done. I want to say, thank you. Thank you for being a very important part of the IME Blog. I am always attempting to give you good and quality information in regards to entertainment and fitness and such. I do tend to stray off topic from time to time but that effort is there. All of my topics has to do with entertainment in some sort of way. I do talk about both sides of entertainment. I am always open to suggestions and topics and such that you want to see more of? So, just leave a comment and ask your questions and I will be happy to answer. I may have to get back to you with an answer but I will give you an answer. If you want to see more of something just let me know and I will put it out there for all to vote on and if everyone is in agreeance I will cover said topics. I tend to not talk about politics and things like that because that is not on topic in anyway unless some sort of laws are passed that will directly affect us in some sort of way. However, I will cover it in some sort of fashion if you request it. With that being said, I know that they are a lot of people scared because of the, the corona-virus. I am also afraid but I am not going to allow fear to control me. However, I am taking precautions. The fear is real and I want you to be safe and continue to be safe as much as you can. I am praying about this and I hope that our medical and leadership is taking every measure to get this thing under control and hopefully eliminated. We have an excellent government and leadership and medical community. I believe that if our leadership get with other leadership and medical communities we can get a handle on this situation. I have full confidence in our leadership and medical community. Continue to be safe out there and now back to the topic of today. Fitness, is a big industry today and people are achieving that allusive fitness goal that they have pursued for many years. Everyone want success in what they are doing from YouTubers to bloggers. However, we do fail sometimes over and over again. The few who were successful have had to deal with failure in there lives. Sometimes it can be extremely painful. Especially, when you put your all and everything into it. You hear about the stories after the success but you don't hear about the meany who failed and gave up. For one reason or another we tend to only talk about our success after we are successful. Don't get me wrong I do understand why. If you don't understand I will explain. If you set out to do something and you announce it to the world that this thing is what you want to do and/or going to do the factor remains that you can still fail. If it is a competition thing then you are increasing your competition many times over by making yourself the focus. Additionally, if you do fail even once you will be scorned by critics, spectators, and people in general. You may have a few that will remain on your side even after the failure. However, if you lost your faith in yourself in that failure then you have ready lost and everything that you once said before the failure becomes a joke and a scorn to you and about you. This is why many people don't say everything that they have been through and/or what they are trying to achieve until after they have achieved it. They don't have to deal with the immense pressure, stress and competition of doing it once it is done. Your just giving a report at that point or telling everyone what you have already done. This is way easier than to tell someone what you intend to do and so on because of the reason that I stated earlier. This is also why "New Years Resolutions" Fail. You are announcing to the world that you intend to lose weight and get in shape and/or tone up. Now, people are watching you and tracking you and seeing what you are eating and when you are going to workout some even try to discourage you even after you have already said this resolution. They will offer you junk food, the foods that they know that you love and is not healthy for you. This is what New Year's resolution people have to deal with. This is also why they fail. In short if the resolution in yourself is not strong then don't announce it because it will be challenged for no better reason than to see if you really are serious about it. I come on the scene facing this and failing, time and time again so much so that it become s a thing. The saying of you going to fail anyway so why try. However, once I made up my mind that I am going to do this I also realized that I could not hangout and drink beer and eat junk food and stay up all times a night. As I realize eating more junk food and not working out and still expect to lose weight was silly. So, I changed what I could and what I had in my power to do. So, yes I did lose some friends because I told them that I could not drink alcohol and eat junk food. I would hangout and eat an apple, an a orange and other healthier foods. They choose not to be around me. It was the best thing that happened to me in my endeavor to lose weight. I lost 80lbs and was in the best shape of my life. However during this journey when I lost my then friends it really hurt me and I started to go back and drink the beers and eat the junk food and accept my fate of never reaching my fitness goals. Fortunately for me I also had other friends who told me don't go back and to keep going towards my fitness goals. So, I know all to well about the failures of not achieving your goals in life and in fitness. But I want to encourage you to continue to stay focus in your endeavors, stay strong and do not allow yourself to stray into the slippery slope of failure, and lastly stay motivated because you will have constant challenges all along your pathway. If you do fail, ah, some would say when you do fail, learn from it and keep going. You can do it. Don't give up. Keep going. Stay focused. You can do it. I am going to close with, when it is all done and said you have to make the decision and what you decide will affect you for the rest of your life. If it is a good goal that you have set for yourself and you know that you and your family will be better off when you achieve this goal then do it. If it is for you to lose weight, working to get that pay raise, starting your own business, finishing your college degree then I dare say do it. Fitness Addict is my clothing line that I put together to help motivate you, myself and others. So stay motivated and achieve your goals (fitness goals). #8010az #fitnessaddict #fitness #moviereview #ime #blog #blogging #blogger #acting #actorslife #veteran #uso #americanlegion #sagaftra #tvshow #trustgod #prayertime #singer, #fitnessaddicts #fitnessmotivation #imeblog #isaac #isaacm #isaacmiddleton #imiddleton #imiddletonentertainment Hello friends, fans, and family, I hope that your day is going great. The OBO Blog is back but is has moved to a different website. I made the move because I felt like this new website was and is more fitting for the OBO blog. The topics and subject matter that the OBO Blog covers fits more into this other website. However, you will still find everything entertainment here on IME that did not change. With that in mind I am going to ask you as my readers what type of music do you listen to and what platform(s) do yo choose to listen to them? Types of music and platforms, such as myself I listen to a lot of different types of music depending on my mood and what I am doing at the time. As far as the platforms I would say everything from Youtube to the radio. That also depends on my mood and what I am doing, haha. So, now your turn, haha. The reason why I am asking is because I was looking at a poll and it said that most people likes a variety of music however only listen to three major platforms which are Youtube, Spotify, and Sound cloud. I am not sure about this so I am taking my own poll, haha. I believe that people have there favorite types of music such as Jazz, hip-hop and R&B but will still listen to other types and forms of music. We are more diverse now days than before but we still have a preferences. As far as platforms I think that depends on what is the most convent for us at the time that we are desiring music. If it is eaier for us to put on Youtube then Youtube it is however if we have a radio station that we like and we know then that radio station will get played. I hope that make sense. So, tell me what do you think? Remember to checkout the OBO Blog. I am going to close with, music will always be apart of our lives in some form even if our way of listening to changes music will always be there like an old friend that we haven't seen in while. Have a great day y'all. Peace and much love. #8010az #fitnessaddict #fitness #moviereview #ime #blog #blogging #blogger #acting #actorslife #veteran #uso #americanlegion #sagaftra #tvshow #trustgod #prayertime #imiddleton # imiddletonentertainment #emtertainment #music #teespring #cdbaby #cdbabymusic #soundcloud #midind-ime.com #midind-ime #https://8010az.threadless.com #8010az.threadless.com #movies #indiemovies #tvseries #webseries #web-series #tshirts #mensfashion #gaming #twitchcon #twitch #twitch-con #actorslife #godfirst #godlovesyou |
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May 2024