Hello friends, fans, and family,
we are finally finish another JB&I Show for 2016. I want to say thank you for your support. You are awesome and not just because you choose to support us but also because you choose to support us, hehehe, Thank you so much. I want to give a few shout outs, I met this young artist at Wal-Mart while I was getting ready to get my shopping on. I don't have a lot of information on this artist butHe is a Christian rapper, The Name that is printed here is Heart Soldiers. I am sorry but I don't have more on this artist other than he is from San Diego, Ca and I am adding his songs to theI. ME iRadio Station. You all will be able to hear it on Sundays for sure as Sundays is Gospel and Christian music day. If you have music that you want to add to the I.ME iRadio Station I will be happy to add it. I plan on giving all of my new music and local/indie artist there own day. Once I get enough music that is until then and even after I will mix it with all of the rest but I want to also give y'all your own day, indie/local art day. We covered a lot in the JB&I Show and I am happy to say that it is worth watching. I have included it in this blog at the bottom of this page. I hope that you like it and subscribe even comment about the video whether it be good or bad, you can even say why you think that it is bad or why it is good. We want to hear from you all. Thank you for your support and thank you for liking us and commenting. The JB&I Show is better and still here because of you all, thank you. On that same day at Wal-Mart I cam across some entrepreneurs who were selling perfumes. I said that I would mention them so I am. It is called ALL Star Motivation.com. Check them out when you get a chance. You might find something that you like. Let's see, I think that is it. Ah, Thank you again for your support. We have an awesome line up of movies and shows that we are going to be talking about. Until then. I am the FireHawk!!! Peace. ![]()
Hello friends, fans, and family,
If you have not seen this movie then you need to go and see it because it is awesome. It is already in theaters now and I think that it is worth watching. It just came out so you have time to see it in the theater. What's the movie?! Well, I am glad that you asked. It is "Finding Dory" This is a children's movie but I love it and I think that you will like it too. If you need some laughs and just want to enjoy a good and happy movie then Finding Dory is the movie for you. I am not going to go into all of the details because I don't want to spoil it for you. Instead I just included the trailer at the bottom of this blog. You can see it on YouTube and/or down at the bottom here. Just encase you don't know Dory is the forgetful fish from Finding Nemo. I think that she contributed to a lot of laughing and such from that movie and now she has her own movie. Way to go Dory! ![]()
You got to checkout this website that I came across. They are called CONTAINEASY! As most of you can relate, while there are plenty of great sandwich bags, the containers for these sandwiches leave much to be desired.
The key features of the ContainEasy are the ease of use and no need for a lid. For anyone who likes to have their things organized, this is the best no fuss, no muss option. The container has a finger channel, making it easy to grab the sandwich (or any item inside). It is also designed to hold sandwiches that are wrapped, so no food is in direct contact with the container, making it easy to reuse and clean. Everyone at some point or another has pulled his/her sandwich out of their lunch bag, only to realize it has been crushed. Well not anymore! Get ContainEasy for your family today!
Another film that I want to talk about is "The Secret Life Of Pets" This looks like a really good movie. I am excited to see another animated comedy film. I have also included the trailer below for your enjoyment you can also find the trailer on YouTube and/or different versions of the Trailer. This one I have never seen before and basically it is about the dog Max and the new addition to the family his adopted brother Duke also a dog, and the trouble that they get into. From the trailer it looks like it is going to be a really good comedy movie (animated). They are also some awesome comedians as some of the voices such as Eric Stonestreet and Kevin Heart. I know that this film is worth watching so check it out. The opening day is set for: July 08, 2016 as of right now.
Also, don't forget to checkout The JB&I Show. You can see it on YouTube or right here on the I. Middleton Entertainment website, just click the JB&I Show tab. ![]()
Hello friend, fans, and family,
The on going question that I keep getting is what do I think about the Warcraft movie? Well, before I go into all of that I will tell you of what a lot of other people think about the movie. Okay, so a lot of people said that they thought that it was going to be better than what they seen and that they think that it played too much into the video game and not enough on it's own rendition of the game. They even go on to say that they think that if the direct was allowed to do what he does best then this movie would have been a lot better than it was. Now, here is what I think of the movie. I think that it was GREAT! Now, don't get me wrong I think that there is a lot of room for improvements but come on you got to give them credit for doing so well. The special effects and/or CG was great even better in some cases than the real non-CG actors. Not that the acting was bad, I am not saying that. What I am saying is that CG has come a very long ways, I mean just think about it. Ten years or even in the 90's the CG would be and was for the most part horrible but we at that time was just happy to see the tech on the big screen. I for one think that they are going to continue to improve not just in CG I mean the movie. I think that the movie-makers of the Warcraft movie will continue to improve and it will just get better as the do more. This is what I think. I would like to know what you think about it? And of course I know that the CG will continue and get better as time goes on look at what they have done. So, in lieu of all of that, yes, there is room for improvements and I think that they will improve over time. For Warcraft players you must be stoked I know that I am and for those of you who are lost and is not fully understand and appreciating it awesome movie please, check out some YouTube videos about Warcraft and this awesome movie. There is a lot to take in but I know that this movie can very easily be in the top ten for awesome movies especially when the next few movies comes out over the next few years or so. Well, that is all that I had to talk about today y'all. A new JB&I Show should be coming out in the next few weeks be sure to check us out like and comment as we will be giving away prizes but you must like, subscribe and comment. Peace and much love to you. Also, below I have my fiverr gigs check it out and if you can use my services ... hire me, hehe. ![]()
Hello friends, fan and family,
I was asked a question and I thought that it would be good to add you all in on that question and the other questions that I was asked. Okay, this is a hard question within itself and because of the other questions and also it is directly dealing with major issues. Ah, walking that unbiased line is not an easy thing and in some cases it is just impossible. I am going to have the question(s) then my answers and some of my answers maybe simple and other may not. When casting certain roles do you think that skills or lack of skills are the reason that a lot of black actors/actresses are not being cased? Okay, skills does and should play a role in choosing your actor/actress. But on the other hand, throughout the years skills or the lack thereof is the excuse given when no opportunity was given that black actors/actresses was not capable of being good or even great actors/actresses. We now know that this is not true but this chance took years to come into being. Okay, next question. Is there is enough African American roles (Black) roles in Hollywood? I am going to say no but I also believe that the roles are going to grow if it hasn't started growing already. I remember watch the older TV shows when African American people could only play certain roles. Even though I think that things are improving and that we have came along way I still believe that we have along way to go. Okay, next question. Why there are not much famous and rich black/African American actors and actresses in the USA? I think that the number of great and awesome actors and actresses has increased over the years and I think that it will continue to increase. But with that being said I also think that the diversity in the roles should increase as well. I believe that it will increase I just hope that I am right in this. I will always think that skills and the lack thereof is always going to play a part and it should. However, I still think that there is a lot of room for improvements. Hollywood is growing and getting better at including African Americans and minorities in the movies and TV shows. I am really happy to see this and we are able to enjoy these awesome and great actors and actress in movies, TV shows and stage. I can only hope and pray that things improve and continue to improve. How many black "A" listers do Hollywood have in America that are Americans and then from around the world? Ah, that is a question that I really don't know but I do believe that the number is increasing and that is a good thing if I am right. I believe that Hollywood will grow and come to love it's diversity as time passes and all minorities will benefit from Hollywood embracing diversity. Do you see Hollywood growing in it's diversity that includes African American actors and actresses as well as other minorities? Yes, I think that America is growing and in as such so is Hollywood in its diversity and inclusion of African Americans and other minorities. There is always going to be extremest from one side to the other and we all know this to be true. However, as long as we endeavor to be better and get better and improve then we will be alright and I believe this to be true of all people of this great nation and around the world. ![]()
Hello friends, fans, and family,
I just got back from church and it was AWESOME! If you are looking for a place to worship God I dare say that you are welcome to come to Phillips Temple C.M.E. Church right here in San Diego, Ca. That is my quick plug for God, hahaha. He is always welcome and worthy. Now, for the subject at hand. We have a gospel festival every year. This year is the 12th time of them having it here. It is going to be at the San Diego County Fair. That is the Del Mar Fairgrounds. If you are going to be in the area or if you can get here it is worth checking out. They will be featuring Shirley Caesar with the San Diego Super Choir. That is going to be awesome. The day is June 25, 2016. Here is the link: SDFAIR.COM/GOSPEL for more information. Check it out! Have an awesome week and I look forward to chatting with you all again. I am the Fire Hawk! Have a great day and enjoy your day. Please. don't allow people to steal your joy. ![]() Hello friends, family, and fans, I want to talk about Marvel movies that are coming out in the next few years. I may not mention them all but these are just a few of what they have in store for us. I am waiting on a few of these movies because they are going to be awesome. The fiorst movie that I want to talk about is a movie that they made an cartoon movie out of a few years ago. I thought that it was a great cartoon movie and I was hoping that they would make it into an actual movie especially after all of the success that they (marvel) have been having with their movies over the years. Have you figured out which movie I am talking about? I wonder if I can say any clues without giving it away? Here is a clue he starts out rich and enjoys helping people. Oh, I got it, he has a sister in the cartoon movie who dies. Have you guessed it? Well, if not I am going to tell you away. Doctor Strange! It comes out this year in November. I am expecting it to be an awesome movie, I mean, have you seen the trailer?! Dr. Strange y'all, you have heard it here first, it is going to be awesome. The next show that I want to talk about is Guardians of the Galaxy I am told that there are going to be some crossovers but so far only Star Lord is scheduled to be in the Ventures movie but I am thinking that there are going to be more. What do you think? I want to know who Star Lord father is, or better said who they will choose because they can't go in the direction of the comic books because of ownership rights or lack there of. I am thinking Star Hawk as the father, I mean since I am Fire Hawk why not Star Hawk, hehehe. I also believe that they are adding more people to the crew of Star Lord. So, there is a lot coming in this movie and I am expecting a lot. I am not going to bore you with all of my guesses but I do want to know what you think. I am only going to name a few more movies that are coming out in the next few years. Like, Spider-man! If you got a chance to see Civil War and watched all the way to the end then you seen the Spider-man segment at the end. If you did not see it because you left early or just did not wait then see Civil War again or again for the first time hahaha, and watch all the way to the end so that you and see the Spider-man segment at the end. I am really looking forward to seeing this restart. I hope that they get it right this time, because they are so much that can done with Spider-man and even new angles that can be taken. Anyway, I am going to move on. But, not before mentioning that Iron-man is supposed to be in the Spider-man movie I am not sure how much but it can't be too much because he probably is just going to upgrade his gear again or maybe even help in a small way in the movie so that focus does not shift from a Spider-man movie to the Spider-man and Iron-man movie not that would be a bad thing I just think that this Spider-man deserves a chance to shine. Anyway, I am happy that Iron-man is going to be in the movie I am think in a way as far as time frame not action but like how Falcon was in Ant-man. Spider-man is due to come out 2017, July. The last movie that I am going to mention is Black Panther. I am really expecting a lot from this movie. Did you know that the comic book is doing awesomely well this year I mean even that is an understatement. Now let's get to what we saw in Civil War, wow, such awesome acting and the set-up was flawless. I am intrigued and I am really looking forward to seeing this movie but it is not until 2018, February, which is black history month and I think that is really cool it kind of remind me of the first Independence day movie that came out on independence day. That was totally awesome and I think that this is totally awesome. Way to go guys! I hope that you like my review and expectations about these awesome movies that are coming out in the next few years. Everything is always subject to chance for whatever reasons, hahaha. But until that happens enjoy and leave your comments and I would like to hear your thoughts about these movies and/or other movies that you think that I should talk about. Honorble Mention Time: I want to thank you the readers for your support and love. Thank you, thank you. I also want to thank Ray and Pam from the JB&I Show. They are awesome! Who else, all of my friends and fans and family. Thank you! Have a wonderful and great day! I need to say that I am sorry for miscommunication to you about X-Men Apocalypse it actually cam out last month on the 27th. For my fan who gave me that correction you get a 20 dollar gift card. ![]() Hello friends, fans, and family, We have a lot of movies coming out this week and this month. The main one that I want to see came out today. What? You may ask, well, I am glad that you asked. I am talking about none other than X-Men: Apocalypse. Oh yeahhh!!! I am excited to see this movie and no I have not seen it, yet, but, I am going to see it, well, soon, or as soon as I finish my homework, hahaha. Oh, and you can't for get about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! That's right I am mentioning them and right after X-Men no less hahaha. Angry Birds also comes out this week so if you wanna laugh then this is a good show for you. Oh my, I almost forgotten about the World of Warcraft Movie. That is coming out this month as well. Ooo, here is one that we mentioned on the JB&I Show that is The Jungle Book. This movie is a really good movie and it is worth watching in theaters. Finding Dory comes out this month as well as Therapy for a Vampire and the Conjuring two. Ah, I am not sure what to say about these other movies that are coming out but I think that it is worth checking out even if it is on DVD or maybe Netflix or even Amazon Movies and TV. Whatever you decide to do, enjoy your day, week, and month. For everyone who are celebrating a birthday this month, Happy Birthday!!! Also, be for I forget, to All of the Graduating Classes of 2016, that is High School and College, Congratulations! |
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