Hello friends, fans, and family!
Today this and week is very special not just because of the spiderman movie that is coming out. But also because of the Spiderman movies that is coming out, haha. We don't always get a chance to enjoy our day and chill at the beach and be among friends and family. So, when we get that chance we cherish it. Whether it is remembering the BBQ and other great foods of that day or it is remembering our family members and friends and the awesome/funny stuff that they did during this time. Not to mention reminding them of it every chance we get, hehe. The Best Selling Author John R Moore Releases a New Book on Amazon.com For Immediate Release:July 10, 2017: The Best Selling author of science fantasy, Blogger and Book Geek John R Moore is pleased to announce the just release of his new book series Bloodlines, Tamara Jenkins, Sorcerer on July 4th, 2017 which is available for sale now and with kindle unlimited. He creates this book series with stories from another world. John R Moore developed a love for adventure novels at an early age while living in California's San Joaquin Valley. His first publication was A Princess of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs, from there he found himself reading The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, The Dragon Riders of Pern, the Eldest Cycle and Conan the Barbarian. His love for books also helps him to make his own personal collection of favorite authors. He has brought his thoughts to stand on his own works. Till date he has written four books in the Embrellon Series, three books and a prequel as well as a sword and sorcery Series "The Sorcerer Chronicles" three books, and a new series released with book #1 Bloodlines, Tamara Jenkins, Sorcerer. The Best Selling author John R Moores’ sole purpose of writing is to captivate his readers. His new book Bloodlines, Tamara Jenkins, Sorcerer is an extremely interesting series that most science fiction lovers will enjoy. His new series Bloodlines, Tamara Jenkins, Sorcerer is now available for preorder on Amazon and get a free copy of The Captive of Embrellon series with it. About The Author:John R Moore is a Best Selling author and a passionate writer. More information about John R Moore and his books can be found at https://www.amazon.com/John-R-Moore/e/B06XPX4JFC personal wordpress blog: https://johnrmooreauthor.wordpress.com/ Contact Details:Author Name: John R MooreLocal Address: Visalia, CA email Mr. Dunn @ [email protected] for any questions problems or concerns ###Summary: The Best Selling author John R Moores’ new book Bloodlines, Tamara Jenkins, Sorcerer is a very interesting series that most science fantasy lovers will enjoy. {NOTE: NOT ALL SCI-FANTASY IS VULGAR OR SEXUAL, JOHN R MOORE’S WRITINGS ARE MORE THAN ENTERTAINING FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY AT ANY READING AGE AND FOR ADULTS (WELL I HOPE YOU PICK UP ON THE DEEPER MEANINGS.) Okay, now that you have had a chance to figure out what holiday that I am talking about, I know that you know. Come on, I know that you have guess it, it is the fourth of July. Honestly, every holiday has it's moments, hahaha, really. But on the 4th of JUly you are expected to BBQ and chill at some point, whether it be in front of the TV, swimming pool, lake, pond, river, ocean, camp fire, you know?! Hahaha. We all enjoy our holidays and I can honestly say that the 4th of July easily sticks out as one of the most loved Holidays. Some would even say, Happy Birthday America! Even though that is not entirely accurate but yes, it works. Our awesome men and women of our military and their families are second to none, so, I in every holiday will always try to remember them. So, I say to all of our service men and women out there and also to their families. Thank you! Thank you for your service and sacrifices. You truly are awesome! Now, let talk about Spider Man. It is opening week and yes I could have talked about any movie. But I chose Spider-man because I expect it to be great. I know that you all have seeeen the trailers by now and it is awesome. And yes I am still trying to be in a Marvel, DC, other, hahaha superhero movie. I think that it is would be awesome! Now, because to Spider-man, This Spider-man is the third reboot. Third time's the charm. I am really liking what they are doing with it so far and if they are able to deliver this Friday or on Friday, they will have an awesome amount of people that will become if they are not already, die hard fans. So, checkout Spider-man, it comes out this Friday. I believe that it is going to be released every where. Let me know what you think of the movie. Was my predictions of how awesome the movies is going to be correct? Or was it disappointing and if disappointing why? Okay, y'all that's it for me for right now. Here are some links that would help me out: My podcast: The JB&I Show My Music: Isaac M music and My facebook:Isaac (FireHawk) Middleton I am going to close with, we all will face adversity in our lives at some point. Remember that your friends will still be your friends even while you are going through, and that you can always lean on God. Stay Strong, Stay Focused and Stay Motivated! |
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November 2024