It takes more than just talent to be successful. Some think that talent is all that you need to be a success, this is not totally true. Even though talent plays a very important part in your success but talent is not all you need. Okay, I will explain why in some cases talent is all that you need. If you have a good team and someone who is going to take you under there wing and teach you everything that you need to know and until you learn they are also going to provide the coverage that you need. So, in the end your talent will be more than just singing, dancing, drawing, writing, and so on. The Entertainment industry is also a business with licenses, permits, legal stuff, and dealing with other business professionals, executives and the list goes on and on. If you are trying to work your way up you are going to have to deal with these other aspects in some way shape or form. That is why a lot of entertainment professionals have something additional to a high school diploma, I am not saying that it is totally needed because you will always have that exception to the rule but if you don't already know these things, it must be taught to you in some way shape or form. Whether it be through workshops like the Actors Workshop Studios in San Diego, California who has excellent coaches teaching about the acting industry or and educational institution or college or university.
But honestly they are many ways to get known and to make a living at what you love and it always help to have some sort of backing in some shape or form. However, if you don't have the backing you can still do it yourself but it is not an easy road and you may find that you have those days when you want to give up and throw in the towel. I encourage you to keep going and not to give up and I encourage you to make and/or develop a plan for your own success. If you wanna be a success having a plan on how you are going to get there is a really good start. I say make sure that it is realistic but some people may tell you that the idea itself is not realistic but I tell you the truth, it is possible. I am not where I wanna be and I do have a very long way to go, but that is also why I am always trying to improve. I am constantly looking for ways to improve myself and make my work better. I believe that you should be trying to do the same thing in your art and/or craft. There will always be those who say that you cannot do it and some will always be their just to tell you to give up and do something else. I say no, do what you are passionate about because if you are anything like me you will beat yourself up over and over again, and no one will ever see your invisible pain of you giving up on yourself. However, you are your own person and the decision is yours to make and this out of everything this is what I am trying to say because when it is all done and said you are going to have to live with your decision to either keep going and to keep plugging away at it or deciding that you cannot go any farther. In conclusion of this I would like to say that I am doing a lot and I hope that I could do even more and I still have many who think that I am not doing anything or that I am total loser. So, for you I say once you have done your research and gathered all of your facts together, it would be time for you to decide on what you wanna do. And whatever you decide, make sure that you are doing it because it is what you wanna do and/or it is something that you have concluded on using your research and such so that when you decide it is on facts and heart. May the peace of God be with you. I am the Fire Hawk! Isaac (Fire Hawk) Middleton, Peace! |
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