Hello Everyone,
I know that I have been really busy and I actually forgot to do my post last week because of my schedule. I was invited to the San Diego Christian College graduation and I went, it was awesome. Also, Mother's Day was last week as well on Sunday. The I.Middleton Entertainment Internet Radio Station maybe changing platforms again, no, this one did not go out of business it is just that we think that we can find a platform more suitable to our needs. I think that you all deserve the best and I am going to get that for you. Until then I am going to keep this station and i may even keep it for a bit even after the change over. I will let everyone know when the change is going to be so that you all can make the switch and I will announce the date the change will be solid. Don't worry all is well, Thank you as well for tuning in to the I.ME iRadio Station, you all are just so awesome! I may have mention it before but just in case I did not, I.ME iRadio is not on tunein.com any more and we are not on a lot of other outlets either. The tunein.com thing is a long story and it is not even our fault. Something between radionomy and Sony and tunein.com. radionomy is the platform and tunein.com is one of the outlets. Sony sent out letters to different outlets and basically it was because radionomy did not do something that they where suppose to do and as a precaution tunein.com pulled all of radionomy's stations. This is what I was told by way of email. So, yes, I was more than just a little upset about it, I was actively sending you all to find us on tunein.com and so on just to be told after I spent the money in ads and so on that no, you all are not on here anymore. What?! Anyway, yes, that is the whole story in short form, hahaha. Thank you all again for being faithful and loyal to us and for sticking with us. You all are awesome. (Late Entry) Happy Mother's Day!!! I am so sorry for forgetting and not posting this on time. My shame is in over drive right now and I would like to hide away and sulk but I can't. So, I am going to face the music and own up to my mistakes. I forgot to post and I forgot to post a very Happy Mother's Day to all of the mom's out there. So I am doing it now but it should not have been late. |
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November 2024