Hello friends, fans, and family,
I hope that you are well and that you all are being safe. Thank you for reading and for being so supportive of my content. You are so awesome, thank you for much. I am very excited that things are getting back to normal. However, I also want to encourage you all to continue to be safe and practice good safety or good safety practices. As gyms re-open and a lot of other places there is still need to wear mask and practice good social distancing. This post is brought to you by, Consumer Voice.org: Whether you're looking for meal delivery, wine clubs, teeth whitening kits, or pet food delivery -- Consumer Voice’s got you covered with Ratings and Reviews of the best businesses and their products. Check out Consumer Voice at www.consumervoice.org Getting back into the swing of things is not going to be easy. We will be facing a new normal and as of the posting of this post there still is not a solid cure to the Coronavirus. Shops are starting to open back up but with many limitations for health related reasons and lack of funds. Social distancing is a big deal as shops open up. The fear of being Sued is what is on most shop owner's mind. One is because they don't want to open up just to have to close down permanently because of having to liquidate there assets to pay the law suet. The government is taking steps to protect shops if they follow the social distancing rules and regulations set by the city, the county, the state, and the federal government. This encouragement comes along with some financially inclusive encouragement. Also, with the need of shops needing to open up to stay afloat the concern is being sued. I expect shops to open up as soon as they can because of them losing money and not having any other way of making money. However, so far so good. Most shops are opening up with little to no adverse affects of being closed for months. The new normal is an adjustment for shops as much as it is for the consumer. As the consumer voice there voices about how they feel about shops opening too soon or not yet will be an on going thing for now. Shops in general are back to business with certain changes and adjustments to protect themselves, there employees and the consumers. I am going to close with, getting back into the swing of things is not going to easy but as we learn what to do and what we can do it will become easier. For now social distancing is the new normal. We will get back to work and learn how to adjust and survive in our various industries. Thank you for your time and for reading. You are awesome! #imeblog #blog #entertainment #consumervoice #isaacm #ime #imemusic |
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November 2024